Prenatal yoga
Gezonde zwangerschap en fysieke, mentale en spirituele voorbereiding op een optimale geboorte.
De lessen beginnen vanaf 18 september 2023.
Inschrijven bij Julie : +32 (0) 456 12 13 92
1 les = 15 €
5 lessen = 70 €
10 lessen = 130 €
Join Our Contemporary Pilates Training Class
Elevate your energy with our Contemporary Pilates-training class! Mat Pilates exercises will strengthen your hips, pelvic floor, abdominals, shoulders, leg muscles, and lower back in an integral and relational training.
One of the greatest benefits of Pilates is its ability to enhance stability and muscle endurance in your core. Contemporary Pilates blends various exercise disciplines with classical Pilates, incorporating in Jimena’s class elements of yoga, global active flexibility, dance, martial arts, fascia techniques, and more. This modern approach is tailored to meet the needs, body types, lifestyles, and physical conditions of each participant or group.
Join us to achieve optimal physical and mental health through a dynamic Pilates experience.
Don't miss out – sign up now and transform your body and mind !
Contact Jimena to register: +32 494 88 24 45 or
For info: +32 494 88 24 45
Try out class = 18 €
1 Regular Class = 22 €
5 Regular Classes = 100 €
10 classes = 200 €
Join Our Contemporary Pilates Training Class
Elevate your energy with our Contemporary Pilates-training class! Mat Pilates exercises will strengthen your hips, pelvic floor, abdominals, shoulders, leg muscles, and lower back in an integral and relational training.
One of the greatest benefits of Pilates is its ability to enhance stability and muscle endurance in your core. Contemporary Pilates blends various exercise disciplines with classical Pilates, incorporating in Jimena’s class elements of yoga, global active flexibility, dance, martial arts, fascia techniques, and more. This modern approach is tailored to meet the needs, body types, lifestyles, and physical conditions of each participant or group.
Join us to achieve optimal physical and mental health through a dynamic Pilates experience.
Don't miss out – sign up now and transform your body and mind !
Contact Jimena to register: +32 494 88 24 45 or
For info: +32 494 88 24 45
Try out class = 18 €
1 Regular Class = 22 €
5 Regular Classes = 100 €
10 classes = 200 €
Yoga-based rehabilitation and strenghtening
Voor deze groepslessen zal Igor een praktijk voorstellen die gericht is op de voorbereiding van het lichaam op yogahoudingen en asanasreeksen (zowel voor gevorderden als voor beginners), en op lichaamsrevalidatie (in specifieke lessen) voor mensen met fysieke problemen door oefeningen te ontwikkelen die zijn aangepast aan hun specifieke fysiek.
De lessen beginnen opnieuw vanaf 23 september 2023
Contacteer Igor om U in te schrijven : +32 475 93 62 69 of
1 class = 24 €.
ten classes = 200 €